Our Choirs
Girls Chorus
Our training choir is for beginning singers, typically between 9 and 12 years old. No travel outside the Raleigh area is required for performances.
After a successful audition, the prospective chorister is invited to join CCGC and become a member of the Girls’ Chorus, the CCGC training choir. As a member of Chorus, girls are expected to master rhythm and Solfege syllables, basic music theory, and the skills of an experienced choir member.
Young choristers will spend a few years in Chorus. When the director feels she has mastered the required skills, she will be invited to audition for Chorale.
Girls Chorale
When the Director feels that she is ready, a chorister will be invited to audition for Chorale. At this time, she is expected to understand elementary music theory and to have a basic mastery of rhythm and Solfege syllables. In addition, she must demonstrate good vocal technique as well as initiative and self-discipline.
Cantabile Singers
Cantabile Singers is the advanced choir, made up of young ladies in upper middle school and high school. Membership in this choir requires a high level of musicianship, maturity, and commitment. The audition includes performance of a solo, as well as demonstration of rhythm and other musicianship skills, including sight-singing. 2000-2001 was the first year for the Cantabile Singers as a full time choir. In the past, the Cantabile Singers have performed as a small ensemble, comprised of selected members of Chorale. Participation requires more frequent performances and travel out of state or out of the country every other year.