Capital City Girls Choir Enrollment Form

  • Singer Information

  • For the 2017 - 2018 school year
  • (for important text messaging)
  • Food, Drug, and other relevant allergies
  • Please list any other medical conditions that the choir might reasonably need to know about.
  • Please specify one email address for CCGC updates and information and billing
  • Parent's Information

  • Parking on Meredith's Campus

  • All cars parked at Meredith College must have a valid parking decal/permit. The permits must be renewed yearly. Campus Security regularly checks parking permits. Please contact Campus Security if you have any questions or to report any problems: 919-760-8888. To avoid fines, permits must be displayed on the dashboard of your vehicle while parking on campus. No parking is permitted in spaces marked Reserved at All Times. The lower commuter lot is the recommended place to park. Two parking passes are permitted per family. A separate registration is required for each car.
  • Tuition Payment Information and Acknowledgement

  • The entire tuition for the year will be billed at one time and should be paid in two payments. The first payment is due August 28, 2017 (Please bring to Parent/Singer Meeting). Payment in Full is encouraged.

    Girls Chorus:
    TOTAL: $490.00

    2 PAYMENTS OF: $245.00

    Girls Chorale:
    TOTAL: $660.00

    2 PAYMENTS OF: $330.00

    Cantabile Singers:
    TOTAL: $660.00
    2 PAYMENTS OF: $330.00

    Sibling Discounts: $100 per family for a second singer, $150 per family for three or more singers participating in the choir.
    I understand that the first payment (the initial 50% non-refundable payment) must be received for any participation to begin with CCGC. This payment is due August 28 and will be collected at the Parent/Singer Meeting.
    I understand that the second and FINAL payment will be due November 1, 2017. Meredith College will send an electronic invoice for the second and FINAL tuition payment. All balances must be paid by December 1, 2017. Girls with outstanding balances after December 1, 2017 will be suspended from CCGC unless alternative payment arrangements have been made.
    I further understand that the CCGC office does not accept credit cards; however, I can pay via credit card by going to the Meredith Accounting Office where I will be charged a convenience fee my for credit card payment. CCGC encourages payment by check.
    I further understand my daughter will not be allowed to participate in rehearsal until payment is made.
    Adult choir personnel will be taking or posting photographs or video footage to the CCGC website or to social media for marketing purposes. In addition, singers will also be posting photographs or video footage to various social media. I hereby authorize Meredith College and those acting pursuant to its authority to:

    Record my child’s likeness and voice in any medium; and

    Use my child’s name in connection with these recordings; and

    Use, reproduce, exhibit or distribute in any medium these recordings for any purpose that the Meredith College deems appropriate, including promotional or advertising efforts.

    I release Meredith College from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right I or my child may have in connection with such use. I understand that all such recordings, in whatever medium, shall remain the property of the University. I have read and fully understand the terms of this release.
  • By entering your name here you are digitally signing this document and have agreed to the terms herein.