The Capital City Girls Choir (CCGC) is a vocal and music training program for girls from Raleigh, North Carolina and the surrounding communities. CCGC is associated with the community outreach program of the Department of Music at Meredith College.
"I truly loved being a part of such an amazing group of women under such outstanding directors during my time with CCGC. Dr. Page taught me so much - and not only music. She is definitely one of the reasons I went into the music field in the first place."
– Alyssa
"My daughter sang with the choir and had a great experience. She was exposed to world renowned clinicians, great musical instruction and fun travel. She learned much more than other middle school chorus kids. The choir sounds great too!"
– Sabrina
"Being part of Cantabile with the Capital City Girls Choir was a true highlight of the high school years for my daughter and our family. We were fortunate to tour with the choir in Italy and meet so many other wonderful staff and families. We only wish we'd joined earlier."
– Lorraine