
Dear Friends,

As we enter our 28th year as the Capital City Girls Choir, it gives me great pleasure to update you on the program and to ask for your support as 2015 comes to an end. While I know many of you currently provide financial support to CCGC and many of you have provided support over the years, I ask for you to consider a tax-deductible year-end donation to support our programs.

All three CCGC choirs – the Chorus, the Chorale and the Cantabile – have seen tremendous growth over the past year. We now have 89 girls participating in our program, including 39 in the Chorale alone! I am happy to report that all three choirs are singing at a high level. We started the year strong with energized retreats and quickly transitioned into our fall and winter concert schedule. I hope you can join us on Saturday, December 12 at 7:30 p.m. in Jones Auditorium at Meredith College for our Holiday Concert.

As we look ahead, CCGC would like to continue its recent growth in students and take our tremendous ensembles around the country and world in order to showcase the talents of these amazing girls. This summer, the Chorale is attending the Appalachian Children’s Festival of Young Voices in Charleston, WV. I also am thrilled to announce that the Cantabile will travel to England and Wales in July 2017. This trip will be a great honor for me as I reflect on the first 29 years of this amazing organization and begin our 30th anniversary season.

As we plan these trips and other activities, I want to underscore that one of my top priorities is to make participation in CCGC and accessibility to all of our activities as affordable as possible to everyone. We can only make that possible through your generous support.

Please make checks payable to Capital City Girls Choir and mail to:

Dr. Fran Page, Capital City Girls Choir
Meredith College
3800 Hillsborough Street
Raleigh, NC 27607-5298

Many employers offer matching gifts for contributions. If your employer has a matching gift program, we encourage you to take advantage of it in order to increase your support to CCGC.

When I formed CCGC in 1987, I could not have imagined everything we have been able to accomplish together. As we approach our 30th anniversary season, please consider a tax-deductible year-end contribution to help us achieve our goals over the next year and for many years to come.


Dr. Fran M. Page

P.S. I invite alumnae of CCGC to visit the Alumnae form to update your contact information so we can keep in touch with you. Additionally, please follow us on Facebook at Capital City Girls Choir at Meredith College and on Twitter, using the links at the top of the page.